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Collect supporter data with contact information and merge it with your sales data

With Data Talks sports CDP, you’re able to get a complete understanding of your supporters by getting data from different touchpoints merged and visualized in the same place. You are also able to have analytics dashboards about ticketing sales, merchandise sales, membership status, and more in the CDP thanks to the wide range of integrations it allows.

Image over the profiles data points in Data Talks Sports CDP

Get a complete understanding of your supporters 

You’re able to check ticket purchases, merchandise purchases, membership status, and more data merged and visualised per profile, which allows you to analyze fan behavior to better target and send relevant offerings your supporters will appreciate.

    Discover Data Talks Sport CDP!

    Enrich your data in Data Onboarding

    You are able to upload the data you would like to keep in the CDP by uploading CSV/JSON files, which allows you to extend the data range you can cross-refer in the CDP

    Data Talks CDP Demo, Onboarding dashboard

    Connect Data Talks Sports CDP with all your working systems, easily

    Data analytics dashboard

    Visualize your data in the Analytics Framework

    No more guessing the outcomes of your efforts. Experience reliable data visualizations. With the CDP, you can use our predefined dashboards to get you up and running with real-time analytics in no time. You can also create your own dashboards and follow up on your most important KPIs instantly. The great benefit of the dashboards in the CDP is that you are able to cross-reference sales status by creating, for example, a dashboard about the relationship between ticket sales and membership status.

    See how much money your organization can make with Data Talks Sports CDP!

    Understand your data in-depth in Data Exploration

    In the case that you would like to explore the actual data you have in the backend of the CDP or need to export raw data as spreadsheets, the CDP is ready to serve you.

    Exact match search in data exploration

    Other features

    Grow your supporter base, continuously!


    Find the right supporter segments


    Send out relevant ticket offerings 
