
The Admin functionality in Data Talks CDP allows you to manage your organization account and users. Only admins will have access to this functionality.

How it works #

This guide will describe step-by-step how you can manage your organization in the Admin pages.

Navigating the Admin panel menu #

  1. By clicking the Admin icon on the left hand side navigation bar you will see the Admin panel menu fold out. Here you can see the different Data Points categories:
    1. Organization: Here you can manage your organization, change the name and add a logo and header.
    2. Users: Here you can manage your users and their rights.
    3. Domains: Here you can change your organization’s domain.
    4. Invites: Here you can send invitations to anyone that you want to join your organization.
    5. Roles: Here you can create new roles for the users that join your organization.
    6. Segmentation: Here your admin users can enable and disable attributes that your organization can create segments on.
Data Talks Admin, admin panel fold out
Admin Panel Menu
  1. When you open the Organization page, you will be able to manage your organization details. Here you can:
    1. Change the logo of your organization.
    2. Change the header image of your organization.
    3. Change the name of your organization.
    4. Add a parent organization.
    5. Change the description of your organization.
Data Talks Admin, manage your organitations details under the Organization Page
Organization page
  1. When you open the Users page, you will be able to manage your organization’s users. Here you can:
    1. Get an overview of your organization’s users.
    2. By clicking ‘Edit details’ under Actions you can edit the user’s role.
    3. By clicking ‘Delete’ under Action you can delete the user.
Data Talks Admin, Get an overview of your users, edit, add and delete user on the User Page
Users page
  1. When you open the Domains page, you will be able to select which domain your organization should have. Here you can:
    1. Add new domains.
    2. Enable and disable existing domains.
Data Talks Admin, add and manage exsisting domains, in the Domains Page
Domains page
  1. When you open the Invites page, you will be able to send invitations to anyone you want to join your organization. Here you can:
    1. View pending invitations.
    2. Send new invitations to anyone that you want to join your organization.
Data Talks Admin, send and manage inviations to your organization, in the Invites Page
Invites page
  1. When you open the Roles page, you will be able to create new roles that you can assign to the users within your organization. Here you can:
    1. View all the existing roles in your organization.
    2. Create new roles by adding a name and clicking ‘Create new role’.
    3. Manage your roles by clicking the tool icon under ‘Actions’.
Data Talks Admin, view, create and change roles in your organization on the Roles Page
Roles page
  1. When you open the Segmentation page, you will be able to decide which attributes users within your organization should be able to segment on. Here you can:
    1. Enable attributes by clicking the toggle bar to the right. If it’s orange it means that the attribute is enabled.
    2. Disable attributes by clicking the toggle bar to the left. If it’s grey it means that the attribute is disabled.
    3. Add an Alias to the attribute by clicking the ‘Edit details’ icon to the far right. The Alias will replace the field name in the Segment Builder.
Data Talks Admin, enable and disable attributes for users in the segmentation page
Segmentation page